/**************************************************/ /** REMOTE SCHOOL SELECTION /**************************************************/ class UniversityLinks extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super() this.state = { loaded:false, data:[] } } componentDidMount() { callDb("/api/build.php?school=all", this); } render() { let linksLeft, linksRight, loading = 'Loading...'; if(this.state.loaded){ let sArr = this.state.data; loading = ''; linksLeft = sArr.map(function(y, key) { if(sArr.length / 2 > key){ return
} }) linksRight = sArr.map(function(y, key) { if(sArr.length / 2 <= key){ return
} }) } return (

Transfer Equivalencies

If you do not see the institution you are looking for, please contact the Office of the Registrar at registrar@svsu.edu. Thank you.

Select Institution

{ loading }
{ linksLeft }
{ linksRight }
) } }